Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Mid Week Update

I had called the dr's office last Friday to request blood work that they usually don't order. It's a progesterone level that is done at 7 days past your ovulation day. Today was 7 days so I went this morning for my blood work. Progesterone has to be over 15 when you are doing meds & 5-10 when you are not doing meds. Progesterone has nothing to do with getting pregnant. It basically tells you that "yes you have ovulated" & "that the trigger shot has worked". I have not done this type of blood work since being with Dr. K & with doing all of these treatments, it was something I wanted to know. My progesterone level came back at........ after waiting all day long to get that call......... was at 40.1!! Yahoo, I can breathe now. I was scared that I was going to be that 1-2% that didn't ovulate with this trigger shot.

The last time I had this blood work done was when I was still with my OB. He did not order the blood work on the correct day as I learn NOW! The blood work was a little late but it still was always over 15 & sometimes in the 20s. This was done without the trigger shot as well. So I had a great result & now I only have 1 week left to know if this worked.

How do I feel? I, of course have learned not to hold my breathe & put all my eggs (no pun intended!) in one basket. I would like to feel excited about every cycle & every chance we have but again, I've been let down so many times as well. I will just keep walking along on the road less traveled!

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