Monday, August 9, 2010

Slowly but surely....

This month seems to be the longest month. I have been busy but when your not going to the dr's numerous times a week, then it seems like you have all the time in the world to get things accomplished.

This past weekend (8-7-10) was Todd's 36th Birthday. I booked a party bus limo for us & 10 of our friends to go to Mallie's Sports Bar where Todd had to work for the night. It was fun to do something different for a change & to be safe about it. This past weekend also marked 6 years of being in our home. I can't believe that time has gone by so fast.

We also celebrated Tom's birthday, my father in law in style with King Crab Legs for dinner, yum! There was also an addition to the family, Ainsley Faith born on 8-5-10. Parents were Craig (todd's middle brother) & Stacy.

Work will be changing soon as well. August 20th is the last day for our Office Manager & I'm assuming my boss will hand that position to me. It will make us all have more job duties & responsibilites but I'm sure things will work out fine.

As for the "trying" aspect of things, I have come to realize that I do have time on my side for a little bit. I rushed into seeing a specialist when things weren't going right with my OB that I feel like taking a lot of time off & then pursing treatment maybe in 2011. This may change but I like not being consumed with appointments & with the changes at work, it will become a little more stressful leaving for those appointments.

I sit here & ponder what is considered "lucky"? Is there such a thing that someone is "luckier" than the next? Women's intution is to be jealous of others when they have something that maybe we want but can't get ourselves, but does that make them luckier than you? I find myself extremely jealous of what others have but have to say, maybe they consider myself lucky as well. I try to believe that God will give what each person deserves or can handle but sometimes it's harder to understand why those people are chosen but I know they are chosen for a certain reason. Just a thought I had or trying to write it seems harder than just thinking about it in my head.

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