Monday, February 7, 2011

Jan 16th to Feb 7th update

We will start from the beginning ;

Sunday Jan 16th I was ready to start another menstrual cycle, I mean what would be different ya know, the same ole thing over and over. There are certain things I won't share that tells me that another cycle is coming and I had none of those signs so out of a limb I thought I would take a pregnancy test. I took the dogs outside and told myself " why did I just do that , it's going to be negative, my cycle is just going to be late". Since I stopped doing treatments in July 2010, some of my cycles were off by a few days. To my HUGE surprise sitting before me were two positive pregnancy tests ( yes I had to do two, well it ended up being 3 by time is was over!). I am IN SHOCK!!!!! How could this be, how come after 3 years of trying 2 different doctors, numerous tests, blood work, ultrasounds, thousands of dollars in medication that we would be pregnant on our own! So that Monday the 17th of Jan, I called my specialist doctor, Dr. K for a beta blood draw. Now this number is not as critical as the second draw knowing the numbers have rose properly, so my blood draw came back at 375!

Wednesday Jan 19th was the day for the second blood draw, now today was a very very important day because if that 375 did not double to at least 750 then the pregnancy might not be viable. I waited all day long for the awaited phone call and having caller ID at work does not help my nerves. They finally called and the number came back at 1313!!!!!!! Yes it's working and what a strong number.

There was nothing that I could do between Jan 20th and Feb 6th until my first appointment on Feb 7th.

Monday Feb 7th (today). Today is the day, I have been a nervous wreck and just being such a Debbie downer because it was helping me to
prepare for the the news to be bad, its easier on me that way. I couldn't sleep, I could barely eat breakfast, I became shaky and had such a dry
mouth waiting for the dr to come in! He was so excited that this happened on our own, he explained what we would be looking for during the ultrasound. Of course Im not new to this so I knew what to look for! Here comes the most beautiful little peanut on the screen with a heartbeat just flickering away so fast. That is the most amazing thing to see. Everything looked great, I am measuring at 7 weeks and 2 days and gave us an estimated due date of 9/28/11. I am now to return to my regular OB doctor, Dr. M and I am scheduled on 3/9/11 for another appointment.

Phew, what a month this has been. No caffeine!!!! I feel great and for that reason I had thought something wasn't right. A few pressure pains and Todd notices an increase in my appetite (thanks!) but other than that I am feeling good. So I'm so excited to watch our little peanut grow and I promise to keep my blog updated more. Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts from everyone, they work!!!!


Becky Dadisman said...

I am still so excited I could pee:) Congrats!

ashlyd said...

Thanks, it's kinda unreal right now, hasn't settled in yet. Hopefully I can back away from the test strips, I have 4 out of a pack of 20 left, pure torture!

Dawnise said...

This really is the best news. Because it means you CAN get pregnant on your own! I am so happy for you. I will be praying hard for you to get safely through this first trimester. I know from experience how critical it is. And after that, sit back and enjoy the ride of pregnancy into motherhood.

Dubbs said...

Ash: I beyond over the moon excited for you both! Words really can't describe! Congrats! Love you!