Monday, February 21, 2011

Right where I was before....

Tomorrow is Tuesday and according to my last cycle I finally hit 9 wks! According to the ultrasound I had earlier I would be 9wks and 3 days but who is counting that close ;)

This is right where I was with the first pregnancy; when I was told I was miscarrying! This time is a lot different and I know that but I can't believe I'm here again and have another appointment this Friday. I remember back on Sept 12th 2008, it was a Friday as well when at 9 wks (exactly) they told me the baby didn't grow at all and I needed to have a D&C that Monday, Sept. 15th (our first wedding anniversary!)I know this Friday's outcome will be so much different and more positive because it already has been since my 7 wk appt looking at that wonderful flicker of a heartbeat.

Everyone asks "how I feel?" and that scares me more because I don't really feel different than the occasional pressure/cramps. I guess I could be the lucky one with no morning sickness or nausea but I don't feel "into" this pregnancy because I don't "feel" anything! Friday will be a very important day again and I just pray my nerves and emotions will get me there easily enough!

1 comment:

Dubbs said...

I didn't "feel" anything either. I didn't have morning sickness or nausea at all and it was a great pregnancy. It does happen that way with everyone, you know your body better thank anyone could ever tell you!

Thinking about you always!