Monday, April 23, 2012

Where did time go?!

I read my last post and Roman was only 5 months old and my oh my how time has changed in those 2 months. He now has 4 teeth and 2 more peaking through. He eats 3 meals a day consisting of oatmeal, fruit, veggies and meats. He is now 7 1/2 mos old and weighed 18 lbs and 27".

He is still my fussy pants, with 2 more top teeth coming through everything still goes into his mouth! He started crawling around 5-6 mos and at 7 mos he is scooting along! LOVES LOVES LOVES to be standing and trying to walk, pulling himself up to stand. He flipped over into his toy box being the curious boy he is, trying to get the very last toy, he had his feet off the ground and over he went :) You can't leave him unattended for too long. It's the cords, vents, outlets and dog toys that he is on a misson for. The crib mattress has been moved all the way down, I found him standing up in his crib Easter morning (the picture above was taken that day). No more swing or bassinett for him, rolls right out of it!

I'm in the process of thinking about his 1st birthday party and his baptism this September. It's hard to pick a "theme" because he isn't a huge fan of any particular character and the moment! Roman keeps our lives very busy and not sure what I did before he arrived....oh yea....SLEEP and whatever I WANTED too! He has been sleeping through the night for the most part being 8pm to 630a, he knows we leave for work soon so he tends to get up to tell us "bye!"

Hopefully I can keep this blog more up to date but I'm also working 5 days a week now and barely enough hours in the day anymore!


Grandma White said...

Roman is my pride and joy! (Most days)I must say, now Mommy knows how she was when she was his age.

ashlyd said...

You have LEARNED not to wish "your going to have a child JUST LIKE YOU" when your watching him all week !

Grandma White said...

Yes, I agree BUT I get to go home at 4:00.