Sunday, March 21, 2010

Intuition of a woman

I'm using this title as a friend told me earlier this week that "a woman's intuition is usually always right". That being said, my intuition told me mid week last week that this cycle was a bust. I tested saturday morning with a big fat negative result (BFN). I wanted to stop my progesterone supplements & get on with a new cycle. I thought the progesterone would delay it from arriving. I decided to keep using the meds & I will test again. Well come Sunday there was signs of a new cycle coming so I'm stopping my progesterone so my next cycle can start. Tomorrow (monday) is still the blood work Beta to confirm that it is negative. I think that my cycle should start monday if not by mid week.

So there goes another cycle. Another hope lost. Another round of shots done. Another month added on. I'm not sure if IUI will be done again. I would rather save the $$ for the meds instead. If the day falls on a day that I'm able to, either a saturday or a monday because of work, then we might. It's hard being away from work now & the appointments are ones I can not miss so I can't miss too many days. So onto month 29 now of trying for this miracle, man I never thought this would be me. There just has to be an answer out there somewhere, somewhere to be found!

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