RE's office called today after I called them this morning with the news that IUI # 1 had failed. Options were given again, this doesn't sound so nice anymore. Option # 1 was to do the same protocol as I did last month. Lupron on day 21 of my cycle & bravelle shots again. I said "well, lupron gave me a headache everyday & I didn't see a difference this month using that vs not using the lupron & it didn't work", so I opted not to do that. Okay Option # 2. Consult with Dr. K.
This is a sit down appt with Dr. K to discuss our options., this is not what I wanted to hear. He offered a consult appt last month but I choose the option to try lupron, why, because it was something new, something I didn't do yet. So now we are faced with this appointment. It's scheduled for 4-16-10 & due to work & being short staffed, I really can't be away but regardless if it was sooner, I still wouldn't be doing meds this month. This is our break. Our break so Todd can tell me to work on getting my body to the best potential it could be, listening to the advice of "just relax, stop worrying & stressing about it". I will have to be faced with an option & that day will come soon enough even though it seems so far away it will come & it will be something I will have to deal with, another decision to make, another stepping stone in this journey. What would the options be. Pursue IVF, continue doing what I'm doing with the success rate of a pregnancy going down each month or just to stop all treatment.
This just sucks! Seriously I can't hide anymore. It's the hardest thing I have been dealt. How much can 1 couple handle? I thought I could be that woman that just kept going & going & going & one day it would work out. So my only option is to stay open minded when we meet with Dr. K. I can't believe 1 yr ago this month, I was so happy leaving his office thinking this was going to be it but now I'm depressed going in, how can that be?!
I will be absent from my blog until our appt.
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1 comment:
Oh Ash, so sorry to read about your news (or lack-thereof). I cannot even imagine how frustrating and disappointing all of this must be for you both.
When we were on a cruise I was talking to a lady who tried to get pregnant for 3 years (from 27-30). Then with the help of fertility meds had twins girls at 30. More meds and a son at 32. Then did nothing and had 3 more kids (the last at 40). She had 5 kids between 30 and 40.
It will happen. Hope you are are ok :(
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