Friday, March 5, 2010

Monday Monday Monday

Ultrasound today showed right side at 18 18 15.5 12 11 & 9.8. Left was 18 14.5 12 & 9 with a lining of 10.4. Dr M today *which he is little more aggressive in the game* stated I had two options. I like options vs no options at all! An IUI procedure is when the sperm is inserted inside close to the fallopian tubes.

1) Do my trigger shot today to release & ovulate with what I have & do IUI on saturday or
2) Today finish what meds I have which is 1.5 vials along with the lupron & do trigger saturday night with a IUI on Monday (03/08/10). He said with the two options, # 1 was the conservative route with doing with what I have, 3 mature or with # 2 giving them more time to grow & having more follicles to "play" with. #2 is more aggressive & taking the chance of having multiples. So my decision was to go with #2. I wanted to have the best option & not look back & say "oh I should have waited". Multiples I know or even 3-4 will scare the doctors & the health of the baby & mother but I'm tired of doing this month in & month out & want to play aggressive each month. I don't need to tip toe around anymore. With last month's response, I opted out of doing IUI because of the amount of follicles & it didn't work out. This way at least we are trying something new & different & make sure everything with Todd is still perfect. If it doesn't work & the cost of the procedure get's to be too much, we can still go back to "the old fashioned way" as the drs will say!

So monday is another big step for us. We will try this out & see how it goes. It's not uncommon for multiple IUI's to be done.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Good Luck Ashly and I will be praying for you!!