So basically we are doing all we can do. I produce follicles each month between 2-5 which are good but maybe just not quite mature or the DNA of the follicle, along with the sperm are just not matching up. I already had some thought that I would seek another opinion & that was only if he thought IVF was our only route. He doesn't think, at this time at least that IVF is needed. Yes it can tell us more about the eggs for that month but we did get pregnant twice without it. Todd is really against spending that kind of money and I mean it may be a long time until he does agree, like years! Todd is really pushing for me to exercise more & get my body at a better potential. It's basically a timing issue. It's just not our time RIGHT NOW. It will someday, sometime be ours, but just not as soon as I want it to be.
3 options when we are ready. Clomid (oral medication) & shots, shots & small dosing of an HCG shot or Lupron & shots. Clomid I have taken before but wasn't monitored properly with OB. I did get to 9 wks pregnant with Clomid. I have done the Lupron & shots which was last cycle, never done shots & hcg dosing.
I have decided, since I would have to make a decision today, that I'm going for another break. This month is crazy with weddings & birthdays & things around the house I want to accomplish that it's best not to do meds. I will call next cycle, sometime in May & do the clomid/shot protocol. Dr K says he doesn't have the answers as to why & either do we. He thinks we are close & we just have to keep trying & give more time. So all in all it wasn't as bad as I thought but it's something to hear "you are still young & you have time". I guess I have to learn that I can't keep pushing & pushing for something that isn't ready yet.
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