Monday, September 26, 2011

My Birth Story

I know it's been 16 days now since Roman as entered this world and I am just now getting to update my blog!

Contractions had started at home around 2:30a-3:00a on saturday september 10th, coming about every 10 minutes. I know I have felt contractions before so I just waited it out to see if they would last. Todd just got home from djin at the local bar around 315a and I mentioned that I may want to go to the hospital but I was going to get ready & see how it goes and how I felt. At 530a, I woke him up to head to the hospital.

Contractions then started to come every 5 minutes. They had checked my fluids to see if my water had broke or ruptured but it was coming back as "negative" but the contractions were coming closer and more painful. I was only dilated to 1-2 cm but they knew then that I wouldn't be going home. I moved to another room, out of the triage room to get comfortable for the long stay.

I don't remember exact times to make this short but I received an epidural when I was dilated to 4 cm. The contractions were getting worse and there is no need to be in pain if I didn't have to be. I did receive an earlier pain med thru my IV but that wasn't working as well. The epidural seemed to slow down my contractions so they gave me pitocin. From there, I was dilating quickly and after 7 pm I was finally completely dilated and ready to push. It was just Todd, my mom, one nurse and the doctor in the room. I started to push and felt nothing progressing, seen some worried looks on the dr & nurses faces after attempting to push a few more times. I was losing way too much blood due to the placenta rupturing and the baby was face up & should be face down and making it difficult to get through. A C-Section was next!

Todd was really worried but I knew that there are only 2 ways of this baby coming and for the health of myself and the baby, a c-section had to be done. I was sent to the OR room and it was so busy with so many people talking and doing so many things to me that my nerves got the best of me. I was nervous because Todd wasn't in the room yet & they kept telling me "we are not ready for him yet". I seemed like it took forever but I remember asking what time it was and they responded with 7:40pm and I thought "ok 5 more minutes & he will be here".

At 7:42 p.m. 9-10-11, Roman Allen Dumas entered this world weighing 7 lbs 13 ounces and 20.5 inches. I just couldn't wait to hear that cry. I thought "just let him cry, let me hear him cry so I know he is ok!" Todd cut the cord and said he was rushed out of the room with the baby and I was left behind to finish. They gave me something to knock me out and I was in recovery for close to 2 hrs.

We stayed at the hospital from Saturday night & was released on Tuesday. I wasn't able to leave my bed for awhile due to the incision from the c-section and made baby steps around the room to sit in a chair & then finally to shower. Roman had slight jaundice leaving the hospital & went down to 7 lbs 1 ounce. The nurses really wanted to run some blood work and keep him but the on call physician denied the blood work so on our way we went.

I'll fast forward the last 2 weeks and say that it's been fun & so challenging at the same time. I am breast feeding which doesn't allow me to have any help with feedings. I was to feed him every 2 hrs and during the night was the WORST to wake him! It's becoming better and he does sleep quite a bit still so I do get a nap here & there but it's mainly doing things around the house while he is calm. The jaundice is getting much better & as of last friday he weighs 7 lbs 7 ounces. So he is gaining weight but I'm not sure at what rate it should be. He seems to be a happy, healthy baby and the best times are when he is sleeping on me after a feeding, all cuddled up!

I am off work until after Thanksgiving so I'm sure he will have a better routine and I may be allowed to let him sleep through the night. The feedings are now every 3-4 hours which by then, he is hungry & does much better. I did start to pump to allow me to have backup bottles if we are out or have company. He takes to bottles well but keeps him awake more than when I feed him myself.

All in all, I thank God for this miracle that was given to us. He is so beautiful and perfect to us that all those challenging times make it all ok when he smirks & smiles at us and I see those dark blue eyes looking at us!

1 comment:

Grandma White said...

He is our "little bean miracle."