Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Almost 1 month old!

I am lucky enough to be able to stay at home for awhile, but this is a FULL time job that doesn't stop at 5 p.m. My days continue into night and into the day again.

I have been breast feeding Roman but for personal and emotional reasons, I believe we are going to start supplementing some feedings with formula. I am SO exhausted due to lack of sleep and needing time away. He is ready to eat about every 2-3 hours and can take up to 45 minutes to feed at one time, diaper change, time to get him to relax and it's time to feed again. It's becoming very painful at some feedings that I'm dreading the next time to feed. It's not worth me getting so frustrated and being the only source when it comes to feeding.

Our next follow up appointment with the peds doctor is next wednesday the 12th, I pray he has gained more weight! He has become a very gassy, fussy little booger and that is another reason for the formula. I hope it helps with sleeping better and extending the feeding times. I want to be able to give him the best possible of course, but when it's wearing down on me and my health, it's not worth it. I know many formula fed babies that are perfectly fine. I do feel like I'm giving up but when I do return to work, I only find it that much more easier to do bottle feedings for the sitter.

All in all, this first month has been an experience. We learned that no matter what time we try to plan a dinner or go out for dinner, Roman will seem to make sure he needs attention at that time as well. I can finish laundry, dishes, put clothes away but the second my timer goes for my food-he is UP and ready for his time! He certainly has no problems with his lungs, he has expressed that many of times! He is still perfect in our eyes and we can't wait for the next milestone and what we will learn !

1 comment:

Grandma White said...

Nothing wrong with formula. My 2 kids grew up healthy!