Wednesday, December 14, 2011

3 months old

I am not able to post a new picture yet, I'm blogging from work but the handsome Master Roman is now 3 months old. It's been awhile since I blogged, I thought I would have free time but that seems to be only at work now.

He has his night sleeping routine of either 8pm to 2 am or 9pm to 3 am, but usually a 6 hr stretch for the next feeding and then another 3.5-4 hrs after that. I am working monday through thursday and luckily having our mothers at the house watching him. He LOVES bath time, anything to do with water! The noise of the faucet or a beach noise on our phones will hopefully calm him down and into a nap he goes.

We think he is starting the teething phase. He is drooling a lot and gnawing at his fingers, basically putting them all in his mouth and little red cheeks. I started some teething tablets that are all natural and I guess that helps for a short period of time but the mothers say "he is quite fussy lately"! I guess their christmas, birthday and any holiday in between will consist of expensive presents!!

I love the smiles that he gives us, the "talking" he does and just the look on his face that he is learning of his surroundings amazes us. It makes all the bad days disappear when he looks at you & smiles.

Love our Master Roman Allen!

1 comment:

Grandma White said...

Roman fills my heart full of joy!