Thursday, February 25, 2010

Another Round

I started another cycle this week (tues). This was expected, I was just waiting & waiting for it. It seems like when I don't want a cycle, it comes early & when I do, it's late. Funny, ah!

I started a new medication last monday called Lupron. This stops my hormones so Dr. K has more control over everything. The lupron is only 10 units which is a very small amount but those little needles sure are leaving bruises on my belly! Ultrasound today went good. I have small follicles on each side (4-5 she could find) & the uterine lining was difficult to see/find at first because with the lupron, it's makes everything so small. Everything is a go to start Bravelle today. They will call with my dosing later today after Dr. K reviews my chart. Nurse stated that doing the lupron was another aggressive attempt so we will see how the response is. Next appt is Tues am.

Nothing else new to report. My furbabies Prints & Charlie are good. Charlie is now 4 mos old, 16lbs & done with his shots. Time to take his man-hood away but daddy Todd says "he is too young". He is being protective father & doesn't want the surgery until maybe 1 yr of age. Charlie thinks Prints is his best friend whereas I think Prints is waiting for him to leave (lol!).

That is all. I will report more on Tues!

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