Thursday, February 11, 2010

My accomplishment

This is not related to my infertility for once.

I am sore is all I can say after skiing for the first time yesterday 2-10-10. Todd is very active when it comes to winter sports. He loves his snowmobile & could ski for hours & days. Well yesterday I had a day off of work due to the heavy snowfall we rec'd. We were over a friends house with his 2 little girls snowmobiling. He started one for me & off I went. I love riding! It was fairly easy & though I wasn't dressed for the ride, it was very fun. The snow blowing in my face & just speeding through his yard. This I could do because I'm sitting down & easy to control. Todd thought "well she is having fun, let's continue & go skiing"! This is something I have never done before and I can't include the time at my father's house on a tiny slope into the yard skiing. Off to Mt. Brighton, MI.

It's only an hr drive so I had time to collect my nerves & confidence that I can do this. He has already gone this season but I couldn't because I was always on meds at the time. I thought "this is my only time, I'm not on meds & I can do this"! I would say in the 3.5 hrs of skiing, I fell about 3-4x. I was going full speed down the hills with both ski's straight & just kept saying to myself "keep them straight, keep them straight" I didn't use poles at first & the one time I did, I fell so hard my poles went flying & my ski's came off, never used poles again. There are times were you just knew you were going to fall & going so fast there was nothing you could do to prevent that.

So I'm sore. My neck is in the need of an adjustment or a 2 hr massage. My ankles & thighs were really sore but I'm getting better, no more until next season. =) So that was my accomplishment. Todd was really surprised as so was I that I was doing so well. I was passing up him & his cousin on the slope as they fell. I yelled "MOVE & sorry I can't stop!"


Angie said...

Sounds like so much fun (to watch!!) I went bowling and can't hardly move my hand because my forearm is killing me! I couldn't imagine skiing!!

Dubbs said...

WOW! Your blog is BEAUTIFUL!!! How'd you do that ;)

ashlyd said...

@ Kristi-I'm talented!