Friday, March 18, 2011


::Waving HI to the world this morning at 13w5days:: Everything continues to look great. Today's appointment was for measurements to rule out down syndrome. The measurements came out great, the heartbeat was still strong at 164 and measuring right on target. We were able to capture this great picture of the hand waving to us since we interrupted the sleeping baby this morning, it is so amazing to see such detail like the brain and spine, eye sockets and amazingly enough 5 fingers!!

I will return not until April 8th for a checkup with the dr and I'm assuming another ultrasound the last week of April to check for the gender. I was saying boy from the beginning but I think I'm changing my mind to girl only because the strong heartbeat but that is only a old wives tale, so we have a 50/50 guess here!

Thanks for all the comments and love this little one already has!


Becky Dadisman said...

Ashly- Lily's heartbeat was 132 and Brett's was 156. I don't know if that means anything as far as gender or not. My dr. said heartbeats don't mean anything. So, you are going to find out gender?
Good luck with everything!

ashlyd said...

Yes, end of April I'm assuming we will schedule the next ultrasound. Well according to your heartbeats, I would have switched them, I think I remember saying Brett was a girl lol! Well, then I will just have to wait & see!