Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Due Date

Today was my bonus ultrasound and the tech spent so much time doing so many different measurements. I just can't believe how they grow so fast!! I'm 12 weeks and 3 days today in which I really thought I was only 11w 3 days so my due date goes from 9-24 to 9-18. I return on Friday 3-18 for more measurements to rule out any type of syndromes. The heartbeat was at 162 and I could finally hear the beating as well. Today my mom joined me in the appt, Todd was working but it was great to share that with her.

I feel great, I'm the lucky one I guess with no sickness at all. A few smells will bother me but nothing to speak of. I will post some more pics hopefully next friday!


Grandma White said...

I was so happy to see the 'little bean' It is amazing to see the little legs & arms. Modern Technology!! I made cookies for Todd to stay away from the doctor's office today. What bribe can I use next?? I love you both!

Dawnise said...

162-It's a Girl!!!! At least that's my guess :)

ashlyd said...

I have said boy since day one and have about a month left to find out. Is like you say boy because you really want a girl of course but as long as it's healthy. I'm just used to raising boys, the 2 dogs and husband :)