Wednesday, April 13, 2011

First BIG purchase complete

I ordered our crib & changing table today! It's a big step, one that was taken with caution only because I've done this before, only to have to sell the furniture at a later time. Hopefully this link will work :

My OB has been generous enough to let me use an older doppler of his, I have used it twice so far. I know the heartbeat has slowed down from the first appointments, but it's so neat to hear!

Our next appointment is April 27th, and hopefully we will leave knowing the gender. Todd is on the fence on wanting to know or not, we both have our thoughts on being a boy but 2 weeks from now we shall see! So if Todd doesn't want to know the gender, then no one else will know either (other than ME!!!)

Todd started working for another plumbing company in Monroe, he still has his families business but the jobs are just not there & the money is no where to be seen! He works for American Heating & Cooling now with a few buddies of his, at least it's a pay check and steady income, he just started today so hopefully he will stick with it. He does have a hard time not being the boss now, but hopefully this will bring better things for us!

Will post some pics if we get some nursery things done soon!

PS. The above link is not clicky, but you can copy & paste into a new address if you would like to see it!

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