Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I repeated my glucose tolerance test this past saturday that lasted a dreadful 3 hours but I PASSED. I really think it was a wake up call for me since not passing my 1 hour test earlier that week. I know of my insulin sugar issues and I had fell into the thought that I could enjoy a slushy here & there along with a sweet treat but now I realize it's all in moderation and shouldn't be enjoyed on a daily basis.

My next appt is scheduled for Tues 06/28 where I finally get to see little man again, it's been 2 months since the last ultrasound. I'm finishing up in the nursery, looking for an area rug currently & some used clothing already washed & put into his dresser.

Shower invites are mailed and after my next appointment, this will be the next big event unless I have another appointment in between then. That's all for now!

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